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Kurt Scheerschmidt: Publications
vergleiche auch Literaturlisten in AcademiaEdu bzw.
Journal Articles (refereed) and Book Chapters (below)
K. Scheerschmidt, O. Moutanabbir,
Tracking Atomic Processes throughout the formation of Heteroepitaxial Interfaces
Cryst. Res. Technol.50,No.6, 490-498(2015)
online (full hTML)
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with simulated-videos and the related energy-data of
Ge-deposition onto Si-surfaces calculated by molecuar dynamics
O Moutanabbir, F. Ratto, S. Heun, K. Scheerschmidt, A. Locatelli, and F. Rosei
Dynamic probe of atom exchange during monolayer growth
PRB 85(2014)201416(R)
C.L. Zheng, K. Scheerschmidt, H. Kirmse, I. Häusler, W. Neumann
Imaging three-dimensional (Si,Ge) nanostructures by off-axis electron holography
Ultramicroscopy 124 (2012) 108-116, online published
dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.09.004 with crossRefs & fullImages
K. Scheerschmidt,
Electron microscope object reconstruction: Retrieval of local variations in mixed type potentials,
Part 1: Theoretical preliminaries,
Ultramicroscopy 110 (2010) 543-547
dx.doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2009.11.025 with crossRefs & fullImages
D. Schulze, K. Scheerschmidt,
Unentwegt bemüht - in Memoriam Bernd Tesche
Elektronenmikroskopie 30 (2010) 8-9
PDF copy 256KB
Ren Bin Yang, Nikolai Zakharov, Oussama Moutanabbir, Kurt Scheerschmidt, Li-Ming Wu, Ulrich Goesele, Julien Bachmann,
and Kornelius Nielsch
The Transition between Conformal Atomic Layer Epitaxy and Nanowire Growth
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (2010) 7592-7594
K. Scheerschmidt,
Personal reflections to Wolfgang Neumann,
Cryst. Res. Technol. 44, No. 10 (2009) 1017-1018 / DOI 10.1002/crat.200901017
H. Blanck, D. Litvinov, R. Schneider, D. Gerthsen, T. Passow, and K. Scheerschmidt,
Quantification of the In-distribution in embedded InGaAs quantum dots by transmission electron microscopy,
Cryst. Res. Technol. 44 (2009) 1083-1088 / DOI 10.1002/crat.200900513
Relativistic effects in elastic scattering of electrons in TEM, Ultramicroscopy (2008) in print,
Scheerschmidt, K. and Kuhlmann, V.:
Relaxation of semiconductor nanostructures using molecular dynamics with analytic bond order potentials
Int. J. Mat. Res. (formely Z. Metallkd.) 98 (2007) 11
Kuhlmann, V. and Scheerschmidt, K.:
Σ-bond expression for an analytic bond-order potential: Including Pi and on-site terms in the
fourth moment
Phys. Rev. B 76 (2007) 014306
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.014306
PDF 239kB
Scheerschmidt, K. and Rother, A.
Electron Microscope Object Reconstruction: Confidence Criteria of Inverse Solutions
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13, Suppl. 3 2007, 140-141.
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607080701
PDF 124kB
Scheerschmidt, K.and Kuhlmann, V.:
Substitution of Atomic Scattering Amplitudes in TEM Interpretation by Analytic Bond Order Potentials
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13, Suppl. 3 2007, 22-23.
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607080117
Rother, A. and Scheerschmidt, K.:
A Relativistic Formalism and the Small Angle Approximation of Elastic Electron Scattering in TEM
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13, Suppl. 3 2007, 40-41.
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607080208
PDF 130kB
Blank, H., Litviniv, D., Schneider, R. Gerthsen, D., Passow, T., and Scheerschmidt, K.:
Towards Quantification of the In-Distribution in InGaAs Quantum Dots
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13, Suppl. 3 2007, 318-319.
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607081597
PDF 160kB
without Scheerschmidt in printed abstract
Wilhelm, T., Kuhlmann, V. and Scheerschmidt, K.:
Bonded semiconductor interfaces with twist and tilt rotation: TEM analysis supported by molecular dynamics structure modeling
Physica Status Solidi C 4, (8), pp 3115-3119 (2007)
Scheerschmidt, K.:
Rezension of F.Ernst, M.Rühle(Eds.): High-Resolution Imaging and Spectrometry of Materials
Elektronenmikroskopie 28 (2007) 44
Scheerschmidt, K. and Werner, M.:
Carbon at Si (111)-twins: TEM analysis supported by molecular dynamics structure relaxations
Physica Status Solidi A 202, (12), pp 2368-2375 (2005)
DOI 10.1002/pssa.200521132
PDFhighresolution 2.9MB
Scheerschmidt, K., Kuhlmann, V.:
Molecular dynamics investigation of bonded twist boundaries
INTERFACE SCIENCE 12, 157-163, 2004 PDF 1.2MB
Scheerschmidt, K.:
Rezension of LM Peng, SL Dudarev MJ Whelan: High Energy Electron Diffraction and Microscopy,
Monographs on the Physics and Chemistry of Materials 61. oxford Univ. Press 2004
Z. Kristallogr. 129 (2004) 768
PDF 71kB
- Scheerschmidt, K. and Kuhlmann, V.:
Atomic structure of twist bonded interfaces: A molecular dynamics study.
Proceedings of the 203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Paris, France, 2003.
Semiconductor Wafer Bonding VII: Science Technology, and Application,
Eds.: F.S. Bengtsson, H. Baumgart, C.E. Hunt, T. Suga,
J. Electrochem. Soc. PV 2003-19, ISBN 1-56677-402-0, pages 259-266
Poster and paper PDF 0.7MB
(for similar simulations cf. Website and Presentation of D.Go, A.Reina-Cecco,B.Cho)
Scheerschmidt, K.
Stability of parameter retrieval using inverse electron scattering
Microscopy and Microanalysis 9 (2003) 56-57
Scheerschmidt, K. and Kuhlmann, V.
Nanostructures simulated by molecular dynamics for TEM analysis
Microscopy and Microanalysis 9 (2003) 232-233
Scheerschmidt, K., D. Conrad, and A. Belov:
Atomic processes at bonded Si-interfaces studied by molecular dynamics: Tayloring densities and band gaps?
Computational Materials Science, 24 (2002) 33-41
Koitzsch, C., D. Conrad, K. Scheerschmidt, F. Scharmann, P. Maslarski, and J. Petzold:
Carbon-induced reconstructions on Si(111) investigated by RHEED and molecular dynamics.
Appl. Surf. Sci. 179, 49-54 (2001)
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Scheerschmid, K.:
Molecular dynamics simulations of wafer bonding
MRS Proceedings Volume 681E, (2001) I2.3
PDF 450Kb
Scheerschmidt K., D. Conrad, and Y. Wang:
Tight-binding-based potentials: molecular dynamics of wafer bonding.
Computational Materials Science 22, 56-61 (2001)
PDF 333Kb
Conrad, D., K. Scheerschmidt and U. Gösele,
On the possibility of diamond wafer bonding in ultrahigh vacuum
Appl. Phys. Letters 77 (2000)49-51.
(PS 182Kb)
Kirmse H., W. Neumann, T. Wiebach, R. Köhler, K. Scheerschmidt, and D. Conrad
Computer-aided analysis of TEM images of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots
Materials Science & Engineering B69-70 (2000)361-366.
Koitzsch, C., D. Conrad, K. Scheerschmidt, and U. Gösele
Empirical molecular dynamic study of SiC(0001) surface
reconstructions and bonded interfaces
J. Appl. Phys. 88 (2000)7104-7109.
PDF 630Kb
Scheerschmidt K., D. Conrad, H. Kirmse, R. Schneider, and W. Neumann
Electron microscope characterization of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots based on Molecular Dynamics Structure Relaxations
Ultramicroscopy 81 (2000)289-300.
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Scheerschmidt K., D. Conrad, A.Y. Belov, and D. Timpel
Enhanced semi-empirical potentials in molecular dynamics simulations of wafer bonding
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 3(2000)129-135.
Wang Y.C., K. Scheerschmidt, and U. Gösele
Theoretical investigations of bond properties in graphite and "graphitic" silicon
Phys. Rev. B61 (2000) 12864-12870.
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Werner P., K. Scheerschmidt, N.D. Zakharov, R. Hillebrand, M. Grundmann, and R. Schneider
Quantum dot structures in the GaAs System investigated by TEM techniques
Cryst. Res. Technol. 35 (2000) 759-768.
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Belov, A. Y. and K. Scheerschmidt (1999).
Atomic structures of dislocation intersections at (001) low-angle twist and shear boundaries in silicon.
Philosophical Magazine Letters 79(3): 107-114.
PDF 333Kb
Belov, A.Yu., K. Scheerschmidt, and U. Gösele
Extended point defect structures at intersections of screw dislocations in Si: A molecular dynamics study
Phys. Status Solidi (a)171 (1999) 159-166.
PDF 333Kb
Belov, A.Yu., R. Scholz, and K. Scheerschmidt
Dissoziation of screw dislocations in (001)low-angle twist boundaries: a source of the 30degr partial dislocations in silicon
Philosophical Magazine Letters 79 (1999) 531-538.
PDF 333Kb
Kirmse H., W. Neumann, T. Wiebach, R. Köhler, K. Scheerschmidt und D. Conrad
Interpretation von TEM-Beugungskontrast-Abbildungen von CdSe-Quantenpunkten
7. Jahrestagung DGK, 08.-10.03.1999, Leipzig,
Z. Krist. Suppl. 16 (1999) 169.
Kirmse H., R. Schneider , K. Scheerschmidt, D. Conrad, and W. Neumann
TEM characterization of self-organized CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots
J. of Microscopy 194 (1999)183-191.
(PDF 2.7Mb)
Timpel, D., M. Schaible and K. Scheerschmidt
Molecular dynamics studies of silica wafer bonding
J. Appl. Phys. 85 (1999) 2627-2635.
Belov, A.Yu., D. Conrad, K. Scheerschmidt, and U. Gösele
Atomistic study of the (001) 90 degree twist boundary in silicon
Philos. Mag. A77, 55-65 (1998)
PDF 710Kb
Conrad, D., and K. Scheerschmidt
Empirical bond order potential for semiconductors
Phys.Rev.B 58, 4538-4542 (1998)
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Scheerschmidt, K.
Retrieval of object information by inverse problems in electron diffraction
J. Microscopy 190, 238-248 (1998)
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Timpel, D. and K. Scheerschmidt,
Molecular dynamics investigations of silver diffusion in glass,
J. Non-Crystalline Solids 232-234 (1998) 245-251.
PDF 910KMb
Scheerschmidt, K., Conrad, D., Belov, A. Y., Stenzel, H.:
UHV-silicon wafer bonding at room temperature: Molecular dynamics and experiments
Electrochemical Society Proceedings 97-36, pp 381-392 (1998)
PDF 12Mb
Conrad, D., K. Scheerschmidt and U. Gösele,
Molecular dynamics studies of interacting hydrogenated Si(001) surfaces,
Appl. Phys. Letters 71 (1997), 2307-2309.
PDF 26Kb
Scheerschmidt K.
Direct retrieval of object information from diffracted electron waves
Scanning Microsc. Suppl. 11 (1997) 455-465
Scheerschmidt, K., D. Conrad, A. Belov and U. Gösele,
Molecular dynamics modelling of silicon wafer bonding,
Computational Materials Science 9 (1997) 108-115.
Timpel, D., K. Scheerschmidt and S. H. Garofalini
Silver clustering in sodium silicate glasses - a molecular dynamics stydy
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 221, 187-198 (1997) PDF 87Kb
Timpel, D., Scheerschmidt, K.:
Molecular dynamics structure simulations of Ag-particles in glass for HREM
Proceedings of the IXth Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids, FOTOBIT 1, pp 331-334 (Eds.)
Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A., Adrian, H., Wojtas, J. and Zielinsky-Lipiecs, A., University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland (1996)
D. Conrad, K. Scheerschmidt, U. Gösele,
Molecular dynamics simulations of silicon wafer bonding,
Appl. Phys. A 62 (1996) 7-12.
W. Neumann, H. Hofmeister, D. Conrad, K. Scheerschmidt, S. Ruvimov,
Characterization of interface structures in nanocrystalline germanium by means of high-
resolution electron microscopy and molecular dynamics simulations,
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 211 (1996) 147-152.
K. Scheerschmidt, D. Conrad, U. Gösele,
Molecular dynamics simulations to investigate wafer bonded interfaces,
Computational Materials Science 7 (1996) 40-47.
PDF 60Kb
D. Timpel, K. Scheerschmidt, S. Ruvimov,
HREM Simulations of Particles and Interfaces Refined by Molecular Dynamics Relaxations,
Materials Science & Engeneering B 37 (1996) 101-107.
PDF 60Kb
Ruvimov, S. S., Lilienthal-Weber, Z., Ledentsov, N. N., Grundmann, M., Bimberg, D., Ustinov, V. M., Egorov, A. Y., Kop'ev, P. S., Alferov, Zh. I., Scheerschmidt, K.,
Gösele, U.:
TEM structural characterization of nm-scale islands in highly mismatched systems
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 421, pp 383-388 (1996)
Scheerschmidt, K., Conrad, D., Stenzel, H., Gösele, U.:
Silicon wafer bonding: Molecular dynamics simulations and UHV-experiments
10. Deutsch-Japanisches Forum Informationstechnologie pp 5 pages (1996)
M. Dubiel, R. Schmitz, K. Scheerschmidt, H. Hofmeister,
Computer generated random network models of ion exchanged glasses,
J. Non Cryst. Sol. 192&193 (1995) 632-635.
PDF 10Kb
U. Gösele, H. Stenzel, T. Martini, J. Steinkirchner, D. Conrad, K.
Self-propagating room temperature silicon wafer bonding in ultrahigh vacuum,
Phys. Lett. 67 (24) (1995) 3614-3616.
PDF 65Kb
A. Höpner, H. Seitz, I. Rechenberg, F. Bugge, M. Procop, K. Scheerschmidt, H. J. Queisser,
TEM Characterization of the Interface Quality of MOVPE Grown Strained InGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures,
physica status solidi (a) 150 (1995) 427-437.
W. Neumann, H. Hofmeister, D. Conrad, K. Scheerschmidt, S. Ruvimov,
Charakterisierung von Grenzflächenstrukturen in nanokristallinem Germanium mittels HREM und
molekulardynamischen Simulationen,
Optik 100, Supplement 6 (1995) 74.
S. Ruvimov, K. Scheerschmidt,
TEM/HREM Visualization of nm-scale Coherent InAs Islands (Quantum Dots) in a GaAs Matrix,
physica status solidi (a) 150 (1995) 471-478.
PDF 1.2Mb
S. Ruvimov, K. Scheerschmidt, P. Werner, J. Heydenreich, N. Ledensov,
Elektronenmikroskopische Strukturuntersuchung von (In,Ga)As Quanten Punkten: Kontrastphänomene an relaxierten Wachstumspyramiden,
Optik 100, Supplement 6 (1995) 67.
S. Ruvimov, et al.,
Structural characterization of (In,Ga)As quantum dots in (001) GaAs matrix,
Phys. Rev. B 51 (1995) 14766-14769.
K. Scheerschmidt, F. Knoll,
Zur Rekonstruktion von Verschiebungsfeldern aus elektronen-holographisch ermittelten Objektwellen,
Optik 100, Supplement 6 (1995) 50.
K. Scheerschmidt, S. Ruvimov, P. Werner, A. Höpner, J. Heydenreich,
HREM structure characterization of interfaces in semiconducting multilayers using molecular dynamics supported image interpretation,
Journal of Microscopy 179 (1995) 214-228.
T. Schellhorn, K. Scheerschmidt, A. Orchowski, H. Lichte, S. Ruvimov,
Vergleichende Untersuchungen mit Hochauflösungs-Elektronenmikroskopie und Elektronen-
Holographie an Halbleiter-Schichtsystemen,
Optik 100, Supplement 6 (1995) 57.
D. Timpel, K. Scheerschmidt,
HREM-Strukturuntersuchungen an Ag-
Teilchen in Glas auf der Basis molekulardynamischer Relaxationsrechnungen,
Optik 100, Supplement
6 (1995) 53.
D. Timpel, K. Scheerschmidt,
HREM Simulations of Ag-Particles in
Sodium Silicate Glasses Refined by Molecular Dynamics Relaxations,
physica status solidi (a) 150(1995) 51-63.
S. Ruvimov, A. Klein, U. Richter, I. Rechenberg, K. Scheerschmidt, J.
TEM study of the rapid degradation of pump laser diodes,
phys. stat. sol. (a) 146 (1994) 415-424.
S. S. Ruvimov, J. Heydenreich, R. Scholz, K. Scheerschmidt, N. I. Bochareva, L. M. Sorokin,
Atomic structure and electronic properties of the Σ=37(610) and Σ=29(520)\[001] tilt grain boundaries in Ge,
Interface Science 2 (1994) 211-220.  
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S. S. Ruvimov, K. Scheerschmidt,
Burgers Vector Determination in TEM by Using the Dislocation Parity Analysis,
phys. stat. sol. (a) 141 (1994) 269-284.
K. Scheerschmidt, F. Knoll,
Retrieval of Object Information from Electron Diffraction, I. Theoretical Preliminaries,
phys. stat. sol. (a) 146 (1994) 491-502.
PDF 3.9Mb
R. Bierwolf, M. Hohenstein, R. Hillebrand, K. Scheerschmidt,
principles" determination of image parameters in HREM,
Optik Suppl 5 (1993) 50.
N. I. Bochareva, J. Heydenreich, S. S. Ruvimov, R. Scholz, K.
Scheerschmidt, L. M. Sorokin,
HREM and DLTS of Σ=37(610) and Σ=29(520)\[001] tilt grain
boundaries in Ge bicrystals,
Solid State Phenomena 32&33 (1993) 565-570.
R. Hillebrand, H. Hofmeister, K. Scheerschmidt, J. Heydenreich,
Crystallographic HREM studies of small CdTe crystallites,
Ultramicroscopy 49 (1993) 252-258.
A. Orchowski, H. Lichte, K. Scheerschmidt, R. Scholz,
Elektronen-Holographie zur Analyse von Σ=13tilt-Korngrenzen in Gold,
Optik Suppl. 5 (1993) 79.
K. Scheerschmidt, R. Hillebrand,
Analyse von HREM-Differenz-
Diffraktogrammen bei Voraussetzung der quasi-nichtlinearen Näherung für den Abbildungsprozess,
Optik Suppl. 5 (1993) 81.
K. Scheerschmidt, S. S. Ruvimov, R. Scholz, A. Orchowski, J.
Einfluss der atomaren Bindung auf die Struktur von Grenzflächen - HREM
Untersuchungen zu Ge- und Au-Tilt - Korngrenzen,
Optik Suppl. 5 (1993) 59.
K. Scheerschmidt, D. TImpel,
Molekulardynamische Simulationen der
Struktur von Einschlüssen für die HREM-Bildinterpretation,
Optik Suppl. 5 (1993) 81.
P. Werner, R. Hillebrand, U. Grohmann, K. Scheerschmidt, H. Hofmeister,
Untersuchungen zur HREM von kristallinen Materialien unter computer-kontrollierten
Optik Suppl. 5 (1993) 70.
H. Lichte, A. Orchowski, K. Scheerschmidt,
Electron holography for
analysis of a wedge-shaped silicon crystal,
Optik Suppl. 5 (1992) 31.
H. Lichte, E. Völkl, K. Scheerschmidt,
First steps of high resolution
electron holography into materials science,
Ultramicroscopy 47 (1992) 231-240.
K. Scheerschmidt, R. Hillebrand,
On some limitations in interpreting
electron micrographs,
Physica scripta 42 (1990) 355-358.
K. Scheerschmidt, R. Hillebrand,
On the calculation of electron
microscope images of holes and spherical inclusions using the multi-slice method,
Ultramicroscopy 33 (1990) 27-39.
R. Hillebrand, K. Scheerschmidt,
HREM contrast simulations for
compound semiconductors - a discussion of appropriate imaging parameters,
Ultramicroscopy 27
(1989) 375-385.
K. Scheerschmidt, Rezension: Sir Nevill F. Mott,
A life in science,
London and Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis, 1986,
Cryst. Res. Tech. 24 (1989) 198.
K. Scheerschmidt, R. Hillebrand, J. Heydenreich,
Computer simulation
of diffraction contrast images and lattice fringe patterns of small spherical inclusions,
Phys. Status Solidi a 116 (1989) 123-143.
K. Scheerschmidt, R. Hillebrand, J. Heydenreich,
Simulation of HREM
images for models of amorphous solids to evaluate the possibilities of structure interpretation,
Optik 77
(1987) 115-121.
R. Hillebrand, K. Scheerschmidt, J. Heydenreich,
Computer simulation
of diffraction contrast images and lattice fringe patterns of small hexagonal dislocation loops,
Ultramicroscopy 20 (1986) 279-292.
K. Scheerschmidt, R. Hillebrand,
Calculated defocus difraction contrast
and lattice fringe imaging of small crystal defects.,
Phys. Status Solidi a 91 (1985) 465-482.
PDF 4.7Mb
K. Scheerschmidt, S. A. Nepijko, S. Carl,
Beobachtung kristalliner Gitterdefekte in der Abbildung von Elektronen - Interferenzen (russ.),
Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 27 (1982) 726-732.
V. N. Roshanskii, I. A. O. Ragimov, K. Scheerschmidt, J. Heydenreich,
Bestimmung des Typs geneigter Versetzungsringe und Dipole aus dem Kontrast der Aureolen
um den Durchstosspunkt durch Oberflächen (russ.),
Fiz. Tverd. Tela 23 (1981) 256-261.
K. Scheerschmidt,
Probleme bei der numerischen Behandlung von
Beugung und Beugungskontrast in der Elektronenmikroskopie,
Wiss. Beitr. Univ. Halle 46 (1981) 50.
S. Carl, K. Scheerschmidt,
Näherungsverfahren für die
Integraldarstellung von Beugungsintensitäten gestörter Kristalle,
Krist. Tech. 13 (1978) 1135-1140.
K. Scheerschmidt, S. Carl, Anwendung der Riemannschen
Integrationsmethode auf Beugungsprobleme in Blochwellendarstellung,
Krist. Tech. 13 (1978) 1131-1135.
K. Scheerschmidt, J. Heydenreich,
On the computer simulation of the electron microscopic diffraction contrast
of dislocations in jog and dipole configurations,
Phys. Status Solidi a 42 (1977) 42-59.
V. N. Rozanskij, I. A. Ragimov, K. Scheerschmidt, J. Heydenreich,
Untersuchung des Beugungskontrastes im Fall g.b=0 zur Bestimmung des Vorzeichens der
Burgersvektoren von Versetzungsringen, Dipolen und Schraubenversetzungen (russ.),
Fiz. Tverd. Tela 17 (1975) 2705-2711.
K. Scheerschmidt.
Computersimulation des elektronenmikroskopischen Beugungskontrastes von Versetzungsstrukturen
am Beispiel von Dipolen und Versetzungssprüngen
Halle, Univ. Diss., 1975. (main parts of it are included in the 1977 paper above and the 1977 book appendix
cf. H. G. Schneider, J. Woltersdorf (Eds.) below)
- Scheerschmidt, K.:
Empirical Molecular Dynamics: Possibilities, Requirements and Limitations, Chapter 9, Pages 213-244
in: Theory of Defects in Semiconductors, Drabold, David A., Estreicher, Stefan (Eds.),
Topics in Applied Physics 104, Springer Verlag (to be published Sept. 2006 Hard cover, ISBN:3540334009 )
chapter9 PDF(1.2MB)
- Scheerschmidt, K.:
Parameter retrieval in electron microscopy by solving an inverse scattering problem
in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects
of Wave Propagation (WAVES 2003) (Ed.) Cohen, G. C., Springer, Berlin,
Germany (2003), pp 607-612
K. Scheerschmidt and P. Werner:
Characterization of structure and composition of quantum dots by transmission electron
in: Nano-Optoelectronics: Concepts, Physics and Devices, Ed.: M. Grundmann ,
Springer-Vlg., Bln., Heidelbg., New-York, Tokyo, 2002, Chapter 3, pp. 67-98
Link to Editor
Scheerschmidt, K.,
Retrieval of object information from electron diffraction as ill- posed inverse problems, in: Inverse problems of wave propagation and diffraction,
in: Proceeding of the Conference in Aix-les-Bains, 23.- 27.9.96,
Frankreich, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 486, Springer Vlg. Berlin-Heidelberg (1997) p.71-85
PDF 12.2MB
R. Hillebrand, K. Scheerschmidt,
Contrast Simulations in High
Resolution Electron Microscopy of Amorphous Structures,
in: Amourphous Structures , D. Schulze
(Ed.), Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1990, vol. 12, p. 229-254.
W. Neumann, K. Scheerschmidt,
Electron diffraction - fundamentals and
in: Electron microscopy in solid state physics , H. Bethge, J. Heydenreich (Eds.),
Elsevier, Amsterdam [u.a.], 1987, p. 59-96.
K. Scheerschmidt,
The theoretical foundations of diffraction contrast in
the electron microscope for lattice defect imaging and its computer simulation,
in: Electron microscopy in solid state physics ,
H. Bethge, J. Heydenreich (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam [u.a.], 1987, p. 535-563.
K. Scheerschmidt, R. Gleichmann,
Lattice defect imaging by diffraction
in: Electron microscopy in solid state physics ,
H. Bethge, J. Heydenreich (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam [u.a.], 1987, p. 289-324.
R. Hillebrand, K. Scheerschmidt, W. Neumann, P. Werner, A. Pippel,
Bildinterpretation in der Hochauflösungs-Elektronenmikroskopie,
in: Beiträge zur Forschungstechnologie , Akademie-Verl., Berlin, 1984, vol. 11, .
M. Pasemann, K. Scheerschmidt,
Gitterdefekt-Abbildung durch
elektronenmikroskopischen Beugungskontrast,
in: Elektronenmikroskopie in der Festkörperphysik ,
H. Bethge, J. Heydenreich (Eds.), Dt. Vlg. Wiss. und Springer Vlg, Berlin, 1982, p. 257-294.
K. Scheerschmidt,
Theoretische Grundlagen des elektronenmikroskopischen Beugungskontrastes
(einschliesslich Computersimulation der Abbildung von Kristalldefekten),
in: Elektronenmikroskopie in der Festkörperphysik ,
H. Bethge, J. Heydenreich (Eds.), Dt. Vlg. Wiss. und Springer Vlg, Berlin, 1982, p. 511-535.
K. Scheerschmidt,
Computersimulation des elektronenmikroskopischen Bildkontrastes von Versetzungen,
in: Strukturen kristalliner Phasengrenzen, Elektronenmikroskopischer Bildkontrast , H. G. Schneider, J. Woltersdorf (Eds.),
VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1977, p. 222-258.
cf. chapter 3 of book appendix, PDF 13.7MB
J. Heydenreich, K. Scheerschmidt,
Versetzungskontrast in der Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie,
in: Dynamische Interferenztheorie - Grundlagen und
Anwendungen bei Röntgenstrahlung, Elektronen und Neutronen ,
O. Brümmer, H. Stephanik (Eds.), Akad. Verlagsges. Geest & Portig, Leipzig, 1976, p. 307-323.
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